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Our Services

Richter Architects has a professional staff experienced in architecture, master planning, programming, design, interior design, construction documents, construction administration and construction management services.
Richter Architects has an experienced staff to undertake large and complex projects yet maintain a direct and personal management of the work.

At Richter Architects, architecture is an inclusive discipline. It encompasses behavioral, environmental, technological, and cultural issues. It includes urban planning, interiors, graphics and the architectural arts and crafts.

All physical development, to be functional and cost effective for its purposes, must be conceived and executed within its framework of physical context, operational influences, and objectives. The firm offers a wide range of planning services for public and private clients. Services include:
Long Range Facilities Planning Site, Campus, Industrial/Commercial park, Master Planning Design Guidelines Neighborhood/Community Planning and Processes Urban Design

All good architecture begins with programming. Simply put, programming is asking questions, listening to the answers, and understanding the true nature of the architectural problem. Richter Architects is a disciplined, research-based practice with demonstrated skills in program analysis and problem solving.

Richter Architects is dedicated to the pursuit of quality in interior architecture. Interiors that are thoughtful, functional, well-crafted and stimulating can support an efficient, productive, and pleasant work environment. Quality is not only a desired result, but an ethic that permeates every aspect of our service.

Originally developed as a design and communication tool for our traditional services, our in-house computer imaging capabilities have developed to include sophisticated 3-D modelling, photo-realistic imaging and animations.
While we still utilize these capabilites primarily in the pursuit of excellence in architecture, we also provide graphic design and imaging to clients independent of architectural service.